A value of life from the little dancers...

They came into the middle of us. Holding the candles, they were dancing and lining up according to their traditional music. In an instant, the exotic beauty was spread.
Glance there was nothing odd about these eight little dancers. I was unbelievable that none of them could see. They were the blind children that educated by Ramana Maharishi Academy for The Blind that was invited to the opening of Asia Pacific AMARC 2nd Regional Conference in Bangalore, India. Soon i felt the sense of amazed and compassion.
Being blind is not a barrier for them to create something. Strong instict has perfected their existing senses.
Although cannot see the beauty of the world, they still can create the beauty for those who view.
God is truly all-fair. God gives a weakness in someone and gives the strength to the other side. God gives us a chance to give and complement each other.
The candles that they brought has not only given lights on all corners of the room, but also lit our souls and brought our hearts to appreciate the differences, love the weaknesses and against the limitations.
May the spirit and peace always be with us..!

(From Aceh with love..)


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